How were the targeted groups for engagement chosen?

    The target groups for engagement were chosen after clear deliberation to include groups that we haven’t engaged with in the past. These were then endorsed by our Community Advisory Board. 

    We listened to our stakeholders and customers at the Regulatory Reset Stakeholder Event Launch, taking into consideration their suggestion to include ‘Renters’ in our targeted engagement workshop. 

    I am interested in participating in the workshops. How can I get involved?

    We have curated a series of workshops across metro and regional South Australia to gather a broad representation of our customers and stakeholders. Some of our targeted workshops are ‘invite only’, however, we welcome expressions of interest from participants to engage with our on our Youth, Renters and Regional workshops. 

    To get involved, please email Kylie Lush at 

    What's next from here?

    Now that we have finalised our 'Broad and Diverse Engagement' Sessions, we are ready to move onto the next part of our Regulatory Reset Proposal Process. We will now be engaging with subject matter experts and members of our community to hold focused discussions across a plethora of topics and themes raised during our workshop sessions.