Public Lighting

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As part of our Regulatory Proposal 'Reset' Engagement for 2025-2030, we are holding a series of 'Focussed Conversations' workshops with our stakeholders and customers to engage deeply on priority topics to better understand their current needs and future priorities for electricity.

SA Power Networks provides public lighting services to 69 public lighting customers throughout South Australia, including local councils and the South Australian Department of Infrastructure and Transport (DIT). There are approximately 240,000 public lights across the state.

Read our People's Panel recommendations for this topic

Click to read the final outputs and recommendations to the People's Panel for Public Lighting.

Please note: Our expenditure, revenue and price forecasts will continue to be refined as we go through the stages of our consumer engagement process and also incorporate the latest economic conditions. Therefore, the forecasts presented in the Focussed Conversations may vary from those that will be taken to our People's Panel in February 2023.

What did we engage on?

This Focussed Conversation brought together a range of public lighting services SA Power Networks provides, to be further discussed, refined and prioritised by our customers and stakeholders. The session helped us define service outcomes and potential expenditure which will form part of our 2025-2030 Regulatory Proposal.

The key areas covered included:

  • Asset management activities, including column inspection and replacement, cable faults and LED cleaning
  • Service level performance and GSL obligations
  • Smart lighting
  • The public lighting customer portal

Focussed conversation participants were asked to consider the following questions as we worked through the potential initiatives:

  • What services can/should SA Power Networks provide?
  • What is SA Power Networks' role in the provision of these services?
  • Where should we focus our efforts?
  • What level of service would you support?

Workshop Documents

Participants attending the workshop were provided with a pre-read participant pack, providing them with a background to the SA Power Networks' Reset 2025-30 and the Public Lighting Focussed conversation.

Our workshop report summarising our key findings and takeaways from this session will be available once all the workshops on this topic have concluded.

What's next?

This workshop helped us define service outcomes and potential expenditure which will form part of SA Power Networks 2025-30 Regulatory proposal.

We will continue engagement on this topic within the Public Lighting Working group on priorities identified in this session with all stakeholders.

As part of our Regulatory Proposal 'Reset' Engagement for 2025-2030, we are holding a series of 'Focussed Conversations' workshops with our stakeholders and customers to engage deeply on priority topics to better understand their current needs and future priorities for electricity.

SA Power Networks provides public lighting services to 69 public lighting customers throughout South Australia, including local councils and the South Australian Department of Infrastructure and Transport (DIT). There are approximately 240,000 public lights across the state.

Read our People's Panel recommendations for this topic

Click to read the final outputs and recommendations to the People's Panel for Public Lighting.

Please note: Our expenditure, revenue and price forecasts will continue to be refined as we go through the stages of our consumer engagement process and also incorporate the latest economic conditions. Therefore, the forecasts presented in the Focussed Conversations may vary from those that will be taken to our People's Panel in February 2023.

What did we engage on?

This Focussed Conversation brought together a range of public lighting services SA Power Networks provides, to be further discussed, refined and prioritised by our customers and stakeholders. The session helped us define service outcomes and potential expenditure which will form part of our 2025-2030 Regulatory Proposal.

The key areas covered included:

  • Asset management activities, including column inspection and replacement, cable faults and LED cleaning
  • Service level performance and GSL obligations
  • Smart lighting
  • The public lighting customer portal

Focussed conversation participants were asked to consider the following questions as we worked through the potential initiatives:

  • What services can/should SA Power Networks provide?
  • What is SA Power Networks' role in the provision of these services?
  • Where should we focus our efforts?
  • What level of service would you support?

Workshop Documents

Participants attending the workshop were provided with a pre-read participant pack, providing them with a background to the SA Power Networks' Reset 2025-30 and the Public Lighting Focussed conversation.

Our workshop report summarising our key findings and takeaways from this session will be available once all the workshops on this topic have concluded.

What's next?

This workshop helped us define service outcomes and potential expenditure which will form part of SA Power Networks 2025-30 Regulatory proposal.

We will continue engagement on this topic within the Public Lighting Working group on priorities identified in this session with all stakeholders.

  • Following our October 2022 workshop as part of our Regulatory Proposal engagement for 2025-30, two further engagement sessions were held on Thursday 13 April and Wednesday 24 May to discuss service levels for this regulatory period. 

    Please complete the following survey to provide us with feedback on your preferred option for different service levels for public lighting.  

    If this could please be completed by Friday 2 June

    Take Survey
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Page last updated: 24 May 2023, 11:15 AM